Injured Workers of Wellington & Dufferin Counties
Frequently Asked Questions – FAQs


Frequently Asked Questions – FAQs

The following are a list of possible questions injured workers may have.
This is to help them understand the process of dealing with Ontario’s workers compensation system.

If you have a question that is not listed, please send an e-mail to the group at:

Access to Information & Privacy - FAQs
The WSIB is demanding five years of medical records from my doctor?
Do I have to provide it, if so why are they allowed to do this?

Return to Work - FAQs
The WSIB is saying that I can return to work, but I cannot what should I do?
My employer is saying they do not have to provide me suitable work for my condition, do they have to?

Dealing with Decisions - FAQs
I received a decision from the WSIB, what should I do if I do not agree with it and want it changed?
I received a decision from the WSIB Appeals Branch, what should I do if I do not agree with it and want it changed?
I received a decision from the WSIAT, what should I do if I do not agree with it and want it changed?

Other - FAQs
How can I help improve matters with the workers compensation system?
Who do I complain to about the WSIB and/or the WSIAT?

We are still working on this page,
so please check back to see the improvements!